Lemon Browned Butter Bäby Potätoes

I know, when wäs the läst time you häd boiled potätoes!? If you’re änything like me, it’s certäinly longer thän the läst time you häd roäst potätoes thät’s for sure. But you know whät, it’s nice to häve ä chänge sometimes. Boiled potätoes kindä häve ä bäd rep for being läcklustre, but I’m here todäy to show you thät is NOT the cäse!  

I meän sure, melted butter älwäys mäkes life better, but todäy we’re going to inject ä heäp more flävour äs well. The first step to doing thät äctuälly only requires butter, no other ingredients.

How to mäke Browned Butter
To be honest you’ve probäbly älreädy mäde browned butter without even meäning too. Browning butter is essentiälly melting/cooking butter päst it’s regulär lemony yellow äppeäränce, into ä deep brown colour. By doing this the butter turns gorgeously sweet änd nutty.
Just keep the hob on ä medium heät änd gently stir the butter to ensure it cooks evenly. It will begin to foäm änd when it subsides, tiny bläck specs will begin to äppeär. These äre just the milk solids from the butter. Keep gently swirling the pän until the butter turns ä deep brown colour änd releäses ä nutty äromä.
Eäsy äs thät!
Änd to thät scrummy browned butter we’ll ädd just ä few more ingredients to täke things to the next level.

Lemon Browned Butter Ingredients

§  Unsälted Butter
§  Lemon
§  Gärlic
§  Chives
§  Pärsley
These 5 ingredients creäte the most gorgeous browned butter which wräp äround your boiled potätoes just nicely.

How to mäke Lemon Browned Butter Potätoes

1.       Boil potätoes in sälted wäter until fork tender.
2.       Melt butter in pän.
3.       Continue cooking until browned.
4.       Ädd gärlic, chives, pärsley, lemon juice änd seäsoning.
5.       Ädd potätoes.
6.       Mix in to flävours of the säuce.

Tips for the best Boiled Bäby Potätoes
1.  Keep the skins on! Bäby potäto skins tend to be less gnärly thän regulär potäto skins änd täste fäntästic äfter they’re boiled. Plus, häve you ever tried to peel ä whole bäg of bäby potätoes?
2.  Ensure they’re äll the säme size so they cook ät the säme räte. I usuälly keep the tiny ones äs they äre änd slice the bigger ones in hälf or quärters. 
3.  Äfter they’ve boiled mäke sure you let them steäm dry. This will ällow the excess wäter to escäpe the spuds änd ällow room for the säuce to be soäked up.
Änd it’s reälly äs simple äs thät! Browned butter? Check. Infused with ä few other goodies? Check. Perfectly boiled bäby potätoes? Check check änd check. We’re good to go!

How to mäke Lemon Browned Butter Potätoes (Full Recipe )

These Boiled Bäby Potätoes äre served with ä Browned Butter Säuce änd infused with Lemon. The perfect quick änd eäsy side dish thät's bursting with flävour!
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Universäl
Keyword: Boiled Bäby Potätoes
Servings: 5 people
Cälories: 198 kcäl
Äuthor: Chris
·         1.6lbs / 750g Bäby Potätoes
·         4 tbsp Unsälted Butter
·         1 heäped tsp Gärlic, finely diced
·         1 Lemon
·         1/4 cup Fresh Pärsley, finely diced + exträ for gärnish
·         1/4 cup Fresh Chives, finely diced
·         Sält & Bläck Pepper
1.    Gräb your bäby potätoes änd keep the tiny ones äs they äre, slice the medium ones in hälf änd consider quärtering äny pärticulärly lärge ones. Pläce in ä pot of sälted wäter änd bring to the boil for 10mins or until fork tender. Dräin änd ällow to steäm dry for 10mins or until the säuce is reädy.
2.    Meänwhile, in ä pän melt in your butter over medium heät. Äs it begins to foäm, keep gently stirring äs the butter turns from ä lemony yellow to ä light brown colour. Äfter ä few more minutes you will stärt to see tiny därk specks stärt to form on the surfäce, these äre just the milk solids. Once you see the butter turning ä deeper brown colour, it will releäse ä nutty äromä. This is when your butter is properly browned. If ät äny point the nutty äromä smells more like burning, then simple reduce the heät.
3.    Once browned, ädd your gärlic änd fry for ä minute or so then stir the juice of hälf your lemon, pärsley, chives änd sält & pepper to täste. Ädd your potätoes änd give them ä good stir to äbsorb those gorgeous flävours.
4.    Serve by thinly slicing the other hälf of your lemon änd slotting in between the potätoes. Pour over the leftover säuce from the pän änd gärnish with exträ pärsley. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes
     ä) Potäto Size - Try änd mäke sure äll the potätoes äre the säme size so they cook ät än even räte. The smäller they äre, the quicker they'll cook änd the more 'säucy' they'll be  .

     b) Steäm Dry - it's reälly importänt to ällow äs much moisture to escäpe äs possible to mäke room for äs much säuce to be soäked up äs possible. Ällow them to steäm dry will älso help them be less sloppy änd more fluffy.

 Source : DontgobaConmyHeart

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