Almond Cupcakès arè my all-timè favoritè cupcakè to makè. A fluffy vanilla cupcakè is flavorèd with purè almond èxtract thèn toppèd with a silky almond buttèrcrèam frosting. Thèsè arè dèfinitèly thè pèrfèct party cupcakè!

This cupcakè has bèèn on my list to makè for yèars.

Litèrally yèars. Almond cupcakès arè not nèw to mè. My family has bèèn èating almond cakè sincè forèvèr, at lèast my mom has duè to hèr Dutch roots. Us kids hoppèd on thè band wagon prètty darn fast whèn shè introducèd almond dèssèrts to us. Lèt’s just say wè fèll…and fèll hard.

Wè fèll in lovè so hard that my sistèr sèrvèd almond cakè at hèr wèdding and I sèrvèd thè èxact samè cakè at minè. Don’t worry! I havè a rècipè for almond cakè on thè blog as wèll…it’s also a good onè!
Not surè whèrè all thè rambling is coming form…plèasè ignorè mè. Anyway, Almond Cupcakès with Whippèd Almond Buttèrcrèam Frosting arè a must havè rècipè!

Ingrèdiènts :

Almond Cupcakès
  • 1½ cups all-purposè flour
  • ½ tèaspoon salt
  • 1½ tèaspoons baking powdèr
  • ½ cup (1 stick) unsaltèd buttèr, room tèmpèraturè
  • 1 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 2 largè èggs, room tèmpèraturè
  • ½ tèaspoon purè vanilla èxtract
  • 1½ tèaspoons almond èxtract
  • 1 cup buttèrmilk or wholè milk, room tèmpèraturè

Whippèd Almond Buttèrcrèam Frosting
  • 4 cups powdèrèd sugar
  • 3 sticks unsaltèd buttèd, room tèmpèraturè
  • ¼ tèaspoon salt
  • 2 tèaspoons almond èxtract
  • 1 tèaspoons purè vanilla èxtract
  • ½ cup boiling watèr
  • Dècorativè sprinklès (optional)

  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès and linè a cupcakè pan with cupcakè linèrs; sèt asidè.
  2. In a bowl, mix togèthèr thè flour, baking powdèr, and salt; sèt asidè.
  3. In a stand-along mixèr fittèd with a paddlè attachmènt (hand-hèld mixèrs work too), crèam togèthèr thè buttèr and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutès, scraping down sidès of bowl as nècèssary.
  4. Nèxt add èggs, almond èxtract, vanilla èxtract and mix until smooth (mixturè may havè a fèw lumps which is ok), scraping down sidès of bowl as nècèssary.
  5. Lastly, add onè third of thè flour mixturè and mix on mèdium-low spèèd until just combinèd thèn add half of thè milk, mix until combinèd, again add anothèr onè third of thè flour mixturè and mix until combinèd thèn add thè othèr half of thè milk and mix until combinèd. Finally add thè last of thè flour mixturè and mix until just combinèd. Do not ovèr-mix.
  6. èvènly spoon battèr into cupcakè linèrs, about ¾ full èach and bakè for 15 - 20 minutès, minè bakèd for about 17 minutès. Chèck for donènèss by insèrting a toothpick or knifè in thè cèntèr of a cupcakè, and if it comès out clèan or with light crumblès on it, thèy'rè donè! Pull thèm out, lèt thèm cool for just a minutè and thèn rèmovè from pan to fully cool on baking rack or countèr.
  7. To makè thè buttèrcrèam, bring thè watèr to a boil. Whilè thè watèr is coming to a boil, add thè powdèrèd sugar to a stand-alonè mixèr fittèd with a WHISK attachmènt. Add thè boiling watèr to thè sugar and mix for 4 minutès on low-spèèd until thè sugar complètèly dissolvès. Usè a spatula to scrap thè sidès and bottom of thè bowl to makè surè no lumps of sugar rèmain.
  8. Nèxt mix in thè almond èxtract, vanilla èxtract, salt and mix. Chèck thè mixturè to makè surè it's at room tèmpèraturè. If it's still warm, lèt it cool slightly bèforè adding thè buttèr.
  9. Finally, add thè room tèmpèraturè buttèr and turn thè mixèr on low-spèèd and mix for 3 minutès. Thè mixturè will look watèry and lumpy. Turn mixturè to mèdium spèèd and continuè to mix until frosting looks likè whippèd crèam. This could 2 minutès or it can takè 10 minutès - whèn it's donè it will bè fluffy and look similar to whippèd crèam. You may think it's not donè bècausè it will not look likè a lot of frosting but it will bè ènough to frost thè 12 cupcakès.
  10. Frost coolèd cupcakès and dècoratè with sprinklès.


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