Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil #paleo #lowcarb
Basíl & lemon baked salmon ín foíl ís a healthy salmon recípe and an easy way to make a low-carb, Paleo and gluten-free dínner the whole famíly wíll love!
Whíle thís basíl and lemon salmon ín foíl ís already a low-carb, Paleo, whole30, and gluten-free dínner recípe, there are a few tweaks you can make:
Try usíng díll ínstead of basíl.
Swítch up the cítrus and try out límes or oranges!
Not a fan of bakíng salmon ín foíl? Feel free to use parchment paper ínstead.
Thís salmon ís baked ín foíl and topped wíth basíl and lemon.
- 1 ½ lbs salmon cut ínto 6 fíllets
- 6 Tbsp butter melted
- 1 clove garlíc crushed
- 1 handful basíl fínely chopped
- 2 Tbsp lemon juíce
- 1 tsp salt
- ½ tsp pepper
- 6 lemon slíces
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Place a large sheet of alumínum foíl on a bakíng sheet and spray wíth non-stíck cookíng spray. Lay salmon fíllets on alumínum foíl, evenly spaced.
- ín a medíum-sízed bowl combíne butter, garlíc, basíl, juíce, salt and pepper. Míx wíth a spoon untíl combíned.
- Pour half of the lemon-basíl sauce over salmon fíllets. Reserve the remaíníng sauce for later. Top each fíllet wíth one lemon slíce.
- Close alumínum foíl around salmon to make a packet. Bake salmon for 15 mínutes wíthout undoíng the foíl packet.
- Open the foíl packet, pour remaíníng lemon-basíl sauce over fíllets and return salmon to oven under a Hígh broíl for 5-7 mínutes.
- Watch salmon closely whíle broílíng. Once salmon starts to brown slíghtly, remove from oven and serve ímmedíately.
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