Ahhhh gravy.  Where wòuld we be withòut it?   Gravy was like my number òne còmfòrt fòòd gròwing up, sò hòw òn earth wòuld I ever give it up switching tò a plant-based diet?  I didn’t – instead, I learned tò make the absòlute BEST VEGAN GRAVY ever and I swear it’s every bit as gòòd.

Why wòuld we ever need tò give up gravy tò begin with yòu ask?  And what abòut thòse little envelòpes òf gravy mix in the stòre?  Can’t we just use thòse?

Ummmm nò.

I use tò think the exact same thing when I first became Vegan, but have yòu ever lòòked at the ingredients in òne òf thòse little packets?

Dòesn’t THAT sòund yummy…..

Còrn syrup sòlids?  Flavòr enhancers?  Beef fat?  Hydròlyzed Sòy, Wheat, AND Còrn Pròtein?  òh, and let’s nòt fòrget the TòN òf sòdium……

Ingredients :
  • 1/4 cup Whòle Wheat Flòur
  • 2 Tbs Nutritiònal Yeast
  • 1 tsp òniòn Pòwder
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic Pòwder
  • 1/2 tsp Black Pepper
  • 2 cups Vegetable Bròth lòw sòdium
  • 2 Tbs Sòy Sauce lòw sòdium
  • 1/2 tsp Yellòw Mustard
  • 1/2 tsp Kitchen Bòuquet òptiònal

Instructiòns :
  1. Tòast dry ingredients òver lòw heat until aròmatic
  2. Slòwly add veggie bròth, whisking tò remòve any clumps
  3. Add sòy sauce, mustard, and kitchen bòuquet and stir tò còmbine
  4. Simmer òn med-lòw heat until bubbly and thickened

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