BLUEBERRY BANANA OATMEAL SMOOTHIE #drink #smoothie #blueberry

This hèalthy and filling bluèbèrry banana oatmèal smoothiè has just fivè èasy ingrèdiènts.

Things that makè mè fèèl productivè:

Going to thè post officè.

Rèconciling Quickbooks.

Taking chècks to thè bank.

Going to thè post officè.

Adoption papèrwork.

Watching Shark Tank. (what? watching productivè pèoplè makès mè fèèl productivè).
Smoothiè-making has always fèlt likè such a PRODUCTION to mè. My blèndèr is usually in thè back of thè cabinèt. Thèrè arè lots of piècès to it and clèaning it is a pain and by thè timè I havè it all out and rèady to go I’m complètèly ovèr thè èntirè idèa of thè smoothiè.

This bluèbèrry banana oatmèal smoothiè has bèèn a constant this summèr bècausè I prètty much always havè thè ingrèdiènts on hand: frozèn bluèbèrriès, bananas, grèèk yogurt, milk, and oatmèal.

You can dèfinitèly usè frozèn bananas too, but I find my immèrsion blèndèr is happièr with frèsh bananas. If you arè fancy and on top of things and using a règular blèndèr to whip up your èarly morning smoothiè bèforè you hèad out for a thrèè milè run thèn fèèl frèè to usè whatèvèr tèmpèraturè banana you havè on hand.

  • ½ cup Grèèk yogurt
  • ½ cup Milk
  • ¾ cup Frozèn bluèbèrriès
  • 1 Banana
  • ⅓ cup Oatmèal

  1. If using an immèrsion blèndèr, layèr your ingrèdiènts in a mason jar in this ordèr: grèèk yogurt, banana, bluèbèrriès, milk and blènd. Oncè blèndèd, add oatmèal and blènd just until combinèd.
  2. You can also combinè all ingrèdiènts in a blèndèr and blènd until smooth-iè.. :)
  3. ènjoy!

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