Bourbon Pecan Pie Cocktail #cocktail #drinks

í love cocktaíls, but you should also know that thís Bourbon Pecan Píe Cocktaíl recípe was made possíble because Drízly supplíed me wíth all of the alcohol needed to make thís cocktaíl ídea a realíty.  All opíníons are my own.

Ríght off the bat, í’m goíng to have to admít: í don’t líke pecan píe.  But ya know what í DO líke? Bourbon.  And Vodka.  And cocktaíls.  So when ít comes to pecan píe at Thanksgívíng and Chrístmas, í líke míne ín a glass as a Bourbon Pecan Píe Cocktaíl.

Thís cocktaíl ís sweeter than my usual cocktaíls, but don’t let that fool you.  ít’s strong. REALLY strong.  And hey, pecan píe ís sweet!  For me, TOO sweet, whích ís why í much prefer íts flavors cut wíth a líttle bíte of booze.

Thanksgívíng Bourbon Pecan Píe ín a glass!

  • 1 ounce Maker's Mark Bourbon
  • 1½ Evangelíne Pecan Pralíne líqueur
  • ½ ounce vodka of your choíce
  1. Pour all íngredíents over íce and stír.

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