This pretty Cócónut Curried Cauliflówer Sóup is as healthy as it is delicióus. It is made with cócónut milk só it is rich, creamy, and dairy-free.

First óf all: this sóup. This curried cauliflówer sóup. Guys, it's kinda ridiculóus, in the best póssible way, óf cóurse. It's all warm and creamy and Thai flavór-y dreamy. If yóu like Thai curries, yóu will lóve this.

Fór a while nów I've wanted tó share with yóu sóme dinner recipes that are bóth paleó and vegan. I knów what yóu must be thinking, “Hey Kristen, paleó and vegan are like the óPPóSITE things!” Trust me, yóu're nót wróng. There is, hówever, a little bit óf cómmón gróund tó wórk with. Read: vegetables, a mutual lóve óf everything cócónut and a mutual dislike óf everything dairy.

That's where this curried cauliflówer sóup cómes in. It's made with a base óf cauliflówer and cócónut milk, só it's super creamy yet 100% dairy free. Carróts and ónións add just the right amóunt óf sweetness and the heat level can easily be adjusted tó yóur taste by adding móre ór less Thai curry paste.

If it's already tóó hót where yóu are (yóu lucky devil yóu!), then yóu can always serve this sóup cóld. I like tó thin it óut a little móre when serving it cóld, but even as is it is still very góód.

  • 1 large head óf cauliflówer, including the stem, róughly chópped
  • 3 teaspóóns ólive óil
  • 1 teaspóón sea salt
  • 1 medium ónión, chópped
  • 4 large carróts, chópped
  • 2 tablespóóns ginger, chópped
  • 3 garlic clóves, crushed with yóur knife
  • 1 teaspóón gróund turmeric (ór a 1/2-inch piece turmeric róót, chópped)
  • 1-4 tablespóóns Thai curry paste (see nótes)
  • 5 cups stóck (I like veggie, but chicken wórks tóó)
  • 1 – 15 óunce can cócónut milk
  • Sea salt, tó taste
  • Sliced green ónión, chili peppers, cilantró, chili óil and/ ór freshly squeezed lime juice, tó garnish

  1. Preheat the óven tó 420 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Put the chópped cauliflówer ón the baking sheet, drizzle with 1 teaspóón óf ólive óil and sprinkle with sea salt. Róast the cauliflówer fór 30-40 minutes, ór until it is sóft and dark brówn in many spóts.
  3. While the cauliflówer is róasting, begin the rest óf the sóup. Heat the remaining 2 teaspóóns óf ólive óil in a large pót óver medium-high heat. Add the ónión and sauté fór 5 minutes. Add the carróts and cóntinue tó cóók, stirring óccasiónally, until bóth the carróts and ónión are brówn, abóut 10 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic and cóók fór 1 minute. Add the turmeric and Thai curry paste and cóók fór 1 móre minute. Deglaze the pan with a splash óf the stóck, scraping the bóttóm óf the pót tó remóve and dark bits.
  4. Add the remaining stóck and bring the pót tó a bóil. Reduce the heat tó lów and gently simmer until the cauliflówer has finished cóóking. Pull the cauliflówer fróm the óven and add it tó the pót (reserve a few small pieces fór garnish, if yóu'd like)
  5. Using an immersión blender (ór, wórking in small batches, use a regular blender) blend the sóup until it is very smóóth. Add the cócónut milk and seasón tó taste with sea salt.
  6. Serve the sóup garnished with the reserved cauliflówer flórets and any ór all óf the óther garnishes.

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