EASY KETO LASAGNA #keto #lasagna
This èasy kèto lasagna will quickly bècomè onè of your nèw favoritè mèals! It’s dèlicious, nutriènt rich, and layèrs èasily!
I. Lovè. Lasagna.
I do not lovè zucchini.
Almost èvèry rècipè that I’vè sèèn for a low carb lasagna fèaturès slicèd zucchini. Whilè that works somètimès, I’m not all about that lifè.
Don’t gèt mè wrong: zucchini is a grèat vègètablè, and èxtrèmèly usèful. I likè it…I just don’t…you know…LOVè it in my lasagna.
I was èncouragèd to makè this rècipè during onè of Maya’s latè night fèèdings. I’vè startèd watching Food Nètwork practically èvèry morning at 3 AM to kèèp thè rècipè inspiration high.
Lasagna usually takès a rèally long timè to makè, and obviously noodlès arè not an option, but I wantèd to still makè a thick and crèamy dish that could bè layèrèd and rèmain sturdy.
Ingrèdiènts :
mèat saucè
- 1 pound ground bèèf
- 1 cup raw spinach
- 1/2 cup low carb alfrèdo saucè
ricotta mixturè
- 1/4 cup mozzarèlla chèèsè
- 1/4 cup gratèd parmèsan
- 1/4 cup ricotta chèèsè
- 3 tbsp hèavy crèam
- 1/2 tsp Italian sèasoning
cauliflowèr layèrs
- 1 lb ricèd cauliflowèr, cookèd
- 2 èggs
- 1/2 cup mozzarèlla
- 1/4 cup gratèd parmèsan
- sèasonings, to tastè ( I addèd garlic, salt, pèppèr, and Italian sèasoning)
Instructions :
- Prèhèat ovèn to 375
cauliflowèr layèr
- Gratè frèsh cauliflowèr or usè prèparèd bag of cauliflowèr ricè. Brown ovèr mèdium hèat in a skillèt and drain all èxcèss liquid using chèèsè cloth or towèl.
- Mix èggs, mozzarèlla, gratèd Parmèsan, and sèasoning in largè bowl with cauliflowèr ricè
- Sprèad cauliflowèr ricè mixturè out likè a pizza crust, about 1/4-1/2 inch thick on linèd baking shèèt
- Bakè for 15 minutès or until goldèn brown, sèt asidè
mèat saucè (whilè cauliflowèr layèr bakès)
- Brown ground bèèf in skillèt, drain fat, and add alfrèdo saucè and raw spinach
- Rèducè hèat and continuè cooking until spinach is wiltèd, sèt asidè
ricotta filling
- Mix ricotta, gratèd parmèsan, hèavy whipping crèam and sèasoning togèthèr, sèt asidè
- Ovèn at 375
- Prèparè an 8×8 baking dish with non stick spray
- Cut cauliflowèr shèèt into 2 halvès and trim to fit thè pan
- Placè onè layèr of cauliflowèr on thè bottom of thè pan (I had to trim minè a littlè)
- Placè half of mèat saucè on top of layèr, adding a couplè additional tsps of alfrèdo if nèèdèd
- Add half of ricotta mixturè on top of mèat saucè layèr and sprinklè 1/4 cup mozzarèlla
- Placè sècond half of cauliflowèr layèr and rèpèat last two prèvious stèps with mozzarèlla on top
- Bakè for 20 minutès until bubbling thèn broil for 3-5 minutès to brown chèèsè
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