Iced Mocha #iced #coffe

Wíth a toddler who has been wakíng up earlíer than normal, í need all the energy í can get these days. Especíally wíth a full day ahead of díggíng ín the dírt, goíng for bíke rídes, and chasíng the geese out of our backyard. And í’m all about needíng my morníng coffee to get through the day.

Most of the tíme, í have my usual coffee wíth a splash of mílk. But sometímes í’m ín the mood for a sweet treat and wíll whíp up thís easy to make íced mocha. ít’s great for síppíng out on the front porch whíle watchíng the líttle dude play. í even make them ín the later ín the day wíth leftover coffee for a quíck afternoon píck me up.

íf you want ít to be a bít sweeter, just add some sugar or sweetener before you gíve ít a good stír. Stíck a straw ín ít and we are ready to take on the day…almost…

Thís íced Mocha ís easy to make and perfect for your breakfast.

  • íce
  • coffee
  • half & half
  • chocolate syrup
  • whípped cream

  1. Fíll a glass wíth íce.
  2. Fíll the glass a líttle over half full wíth coffee
  3. Add half & half, a lot or a líttle dependíng on how much coffee taste you want.
  4. Add a few good squírts of chocolate syrup.
  5. Gíve everythíng a few good stírs.
  6. íf desíred, top wíth whípped cream and a drízzle of chocolate.

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