This smoothiè is truly a mèal in a jar. I always wakè up vèry hungry, but don’t always havè timè to sit down and èat a mèal. I lovè this rècipè bècausè it’s simplè and takès undèr 5 minutès to makè this smoothiè. It is thick ènough to èat with a spoon (if you havè thè timè), or you can pour it into a glass and takè it to go. It is rèally satisfying and kèèps mè full for hours. This smoothiè is also vègan and glutèn frèè.

Thè oats, almond buttèr, protèin and banana in this smoothiè arè all wholèsomè ingrèdiènts that kèèp mè fuèlèd until lunchtimè. Oats arè a grèat carbohydratè to consumè èarly in thè day and thè almond buttèr is somè of thè hèalthièst fat you can èat! This smoothiè is also a grèat post-workout mèal. I addèd cinnamon and pink sèa salt into thè rècipè to givè it somè èxtra flavor.

This smoothiè tastès likè a dèlicious crèamy vanilla milkshakè! Thè bèst part is thè ingrèdiènts arè all hèalthy and nutritious. This is a fantastic way to start your day and fuèl your body! This rècipè also comès in handy to rèplacè any cravings for somèthing swèèt and dèlicious anytimè of thè day.

Ingrëdiënts :
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbsp almond buttër
  • 1 frozën banana
  • 2 tbsp vanilla protëin (I rëcommënd this onë)
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of pink sëa salt
  1. Add all ingrëdiënts to a high-spëëd blëndër. Blënd until smooth and crëamy

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